Eyeglass Lenses

Eyeglass lenses:

All eyeglasses have demo lenses. These lenses are for demo purposes only, solely because that are intended to be a placeholder for your prescription lenses and not for every day wear.

Why are demo lenses important?

When your eye doctor or local optical sends your frame (with demo lenses) to their prescription lab, the prescription lab then pops out the demo lenses and puts them into a tracing machine. This machine is calibrated to record the exact measurements and shape of the lenses. This information is then used to make your prescription lenses to those exact measurements, which will ensure a perfect fit into your eyeglasses!

How do I get prescription lenses?

Once you receive your eyeglasses, you should be able to take it to your local eye doctor or possibly another local optical and ask for prescription lenses to be made and inserted. You will have to purchase your prescription lenses from the establishment that you choose.
If you choose to go to a local optical instead of you eye doctor, be sure that you ask your eye doctor for a copy of your written eyeglass prescription and your PD (pupillary distance) measurement. Your doctor should have this on file for you. Local optical stores will not make prescription lenses for you without a copy of your doctor’s written prescription. As for your PD measurement, any local optical can measure this for you, but sometimes they charge an added fee and if your doctor already has it then there is no reason to pay more money when you can simply ask your doctor for the information.
If you have not had your eye exam yet, then when you do, be sure to ask for a copy of your written prescription and PD before you leave your doctor’s office. It’s always good to have your own copy.